Large Cardinals – Implications in Number Theory and Combinatorics


Does an existence of large cardinals have implications in more down-to-earth fields like number theory, finite combinatorics, graph theory, Ramsey theory or computability theory? Are there any interesting theorems in these areas that can be proved based on assumptions of existence of certain large cardinals? Or they are too far to change anything here?

I know that existence of certain cardinals implies consistency of some axiomatic systems of the set theory, which in turn can be expressed as a statement about certain huge Diophantine equations having no solutions, but it looks unlikely that we could use these Diophantine equations for anything else.

Best Answer

Harvey Friedman has recently produced some results in this area. See for example Friedman, Invariant Maximal Cliques and Incompleteness, 2011. There is also a draft of a text book titled Boolean Relation Theory and Incompleteness also by Harvey Friedman which is apparently also in this area.

In the paper it seems that Friedman has produced a graph theoretic theorem which is somewhat natural and requires a certain large cardinal axiom to prove.

Unfortunately I'm not particularly familiar with either of these works, so I'm not able to give a better explanation (although maybe another poster will be able to put a good explanation in their answer).