[Math] Do all 3D TQFTs come from Reshetikhin-Turaev


The Reshetikhin-Turaev construction take as input a Modular Tensor Category (MTC) and spits out a 3D TQFT. I've been told that the other main construction of 3D TQFTs, the Turaev-Viro State sum construction, factors through the RT construction in the sense that for each such TQFT Z there exists a MTC M such that the RT construction of applied to M reproduces Z. Is this true for all known 3D TQFTs? Does anyone know any counter examples?

(1) I want to be flexible with what we call a TQFT, so anomalies are okay.

(2) There have been some good answers to the effect that more or less if I have an extended TQFT then it factors through the RT construction. But this is not really what I'm after. Are there any (non-extended) examples that people know about? Ones which might not come from the RT construction. Are all known 3D TQFTs extended TQFTs?

Best Answer

If you have a 3d TQFT, with no anomaly, and which goes down to points, and where things are sufficiently finite and semisimple, then I think you can show that it comes from a Turaev-Viro type construction on the 2-category Z(pt).

If you have a 3d TQFT, possibly with anomaly, which goes down to circles, and where things are sufficiently finite and semisimple, then I agree with Noah: Z(S^1) is a MTC and the RT construction on the MTC reproduces the TQFT.

Relating these two statements, TV(C) = RT(double(C)), where C is a 2-cat, double(C) is the Drinfeld double (or maybe center), TV is the Turaev-Viro construction, and RT is the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction.

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