Divisor Class Group – Blowup of Nodal Surface


The following got no answer on mathstackexchange. I believe it not to be hard, but maybe it is a little specialized?

All varieties will be over $\mathbb{C}$ and projective unless stated otherwise.

In Beauville – complex algebraic surfaces, the following is described: Let $S$ be a smooth surface and $p \in S$ a point. Let $\epsilon: \tilde S \rightarrow S$ be the blowup at $p$ and $E$ the resulting exceptional curve. Then
\text{Pic}(\tilde S) \cong \epsilon^* \text{Pic}(S) \oplus \mathbb{Z} E
With $\text{Pic}$ i mean either the group of invertible sheaves or those of Cartier divisors modulo equivalence.

Question 1: I was wondering about the situation when $p$ is a simple double singularity, a node, instead of being smooth and the rest of $S$ is smooth. Does the same formula hold? If not, is there is a similar formula that describes $\text{Pic}(S)$ as a direct summand of $\text{Pic}(\tilde S)$?

Question 2: Does anybody know a reference for this situation: relationship of Picard groups of singular surfaces (or varieties in general) with their smoothification?

My guess and thoughts so far:

My first guess was that the same would hold, but i think that is false. The question is treated locally in Hartshorne example 6.5.2, which examines
\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[x,y,z]/(xy – z^2))
The Weil class group of this affine variety is $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ and is generated by a ruling of the cone. This ruling is not a Cartier divisor and the cartier divisor class group is trivial.

This makes me conjecture:
\text{WCl}(\tilde S) \cong \epsilon^* \text{Wcl}(S) \oplus \mathbb{Z} E
\text{Pic}(\tilde S) \cong \epsilon^* \text{Pic}(S) \oplus \mathbb{Z} R \oplus \mathbb{Z} E
where $R$ corresponds to a ruling of the cone, which was a weil divisor on the singular variety but after the blowup corresponds to a Cartier divisor as well. $\text{WCl}$ means the group of Weil divsors modulo equivalence.

This is just an intuitive guess coming from Hartshorne's example so please please correct me if i'm wrong.


Best Answer

This is a partial answer to the part concerning Weil divisors.

I prefer to use the terminology of cycles of codimension $1$ instead of Weil divisors. The group of Weil divisors modulo rational equivalence is the Chow group $A^1$.

Let $f : \tilde{S}\to S$ be any proper birational morphism of integral normal algebraic varieties (integral normal schemes of finite type over a field) of dimension $\ge 2$. Let $E_1, \dots, E_n$ be the irreducible components of codimension $1$ (in $\tilde{S}$) of the exceptional locus of $f$.

As $f$ is proper, there is a canonical pushforward map $f_\*: A^1(\tilde{S})\to A^1(S)$ (see Fulton, Intersection Theory, Chapter 1) and it is a group homomorphism. As $S$ is normal, $f$ is an isomorphism outside of a codimension $\ge 2$ closed subset of $S$. In particular, $f_\*$ is surjective because for any irreducible cycle $\Gamma$ of codimension $1$ in $S$, $f_*$ maps the class of the strict transform $\tilde{\Gamma}$ to the class of $\Gamma$. However, in general $f_\*$ doesn't have a section.

By construction, the kernel of $f_\*$ is generated by the classes of the $E_i$. Let us show the map $\oplus_{1\le i\le n} [E_i]\mathbb Z \to A^1(\tilde{S})$ is injective. Let $g\in k(\tilde{S})$ be a rational function with divisor $\mathrm{div}_{\tilde{S}}(g)$ supported in $\cup_i {E_i}$. Then the divisor $\mathrm{div}_{S}(g)$ of $g$ as a rational function on $S$ is $0$. As $S$ is normal, this forces $g$ to be a unit in the ring of regular functions $O(S)$, hence $g$ is a unit in $O(\tilde{S})$ and $\mathrm{div}_{\tilde{S}}(g)=0$. Conclusion, we have an exact sequence $$0\to \oplus_{1\le i\le n} [E_i]\mathbb Z \to A^1(\tilde{S}) \to A^1(S) \to 0.$$

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