[Math] Distribution of distances in permutations


Let's consider all possible permutations of N numbers. Suppose for each permutation we calculate the sum of absolute differences between consecutive elements. Thus, for (1,2,3) one would have abs(1-2)+abs(2-3)=2. Is it possible to obtain a distribution of such sums for given N? For instance, for N=3 one would have 3!=6 permutations and possible sums as 2 and 3. The number of sums of 2 is 2 and for 3 it's equal 4.

Best Answer

Here is a histogram for length 100. It seems to be normally distributed around $100^2 / 3$, which should put you on the scent, in spite of a complete absence of proof (see edit below).

This is not at all surprising, since if $x$ and $y$ are drawn uniformly at random from the interval $[0,1]$, the expected value of $|x-y|$ is $$ \int_{x=0}^1 \left(\frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{(1-x)^2}{2}\right) = \frac 13. $$ Maybe turning this fact into a proof is very straightforward; maybe it is tricky.

Edit: I should note that the expected value of $(n^2-1)/3$ actually is very easy to prove; it is just the distribution that might be tricky.

One way to generate a random permutation $\pi$ is to choose $n$ reals $r(i)$ uniformly at random from $[0,1]$. Now, what is the expected value of $|\pi(i) - \pi(i+1)|$? It is simply the expected number of $r(j)$ between $r(i)$ and $r(i+1)$, plus one. Because the expected difference between $r(i)$ and $r(i+1)$ is $1/3$, this is $1+(n-2)/3$, or $(n+1)/3$. Since we compute this for $n-1$ consecutive pairs, linearity of expectation tells us that the expected sum is $(n-1)(n+1)/3$, or $(n^2-1)/3$.

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