[Math] Distribution of a product of two discrete i.i.d. variables

gaussianpr.probabilityprobability distributionsproducts

The problem is to estimate the distribution of product of two $\textit{discretized Gaussian}$ random variables with zero means. The discretized Gaussian means that the p.m.f. looks like

$D_s(x)=\rho_s(x)/\rho(\mathbb{Z}), x \in \mathbb{Z}$,

where $\rho_s(x)=exp(-x^2/s^2)$ is Gaussian subject to discrete support and $\rho(\mathbb{Z})$ is the normalization.

The question is: how to show that the product of two independant discrete Gaussians $X_1 \leftarrow D_{s_1}, X_2\leftarrow D_{s_2}$ is a subgaussian (namely, the tail decays exponentially and how fast it decays) except the argument that the resulting variable is bounded since the st.dev=$s_1s_2$? Assume no relatively good p.m.f. is expected like in continuous case (Normal Product Distribution)?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The term "sub-Gaussian" usually refers to random variables with tail decaying like that of a Gaussian, not exponential.

Now for a random variable $X$ being sub-Gaussian in this sense is equivalent to any of the following conditions:

  • $\mathsf{P}\{|X| \ge C\} \le e^{-C^2/2(\sigma^2 + o(1))}, C \to +\infty$
  • $\mathsf{E} \exp \lambda |X| \le e^{(\sigma^2 + o(1)) \lambda^2 /2}, \lambda \to +\infty$
  • $(\mathsf{E} |X|^p)^{1/p} \le (\sigma e^{-1/2} + o(1))p^{1/2}, p \to +\infty$

A similar set of equivalent conditions characterize random variables with sub-exponential tails:

  • $\mathsf{P}\{|X| \ge C\} \le e^{-C/(\sigma + o(1))}, C \to +\infty$
  • $\mathsf{E} \exp \lambda |X| < \infty, |\lambda| < \sigma$
  • $(\mathsf{E} |X|^p)^{1/p} \le (\sigma e^{-1} + o(1)) p, p \to +\infty$

For an explanation of that, see, e.g, the first chapter of Lugosi's lecture notes on measure concentration.

Now in your case the sub-Gaussian tail estimate for $X_i$ is easy to check. From there you get an $O(p^{1/2})$ moment estimate on them, therefore an $O(p)$ moment estimate on the product, therefore an exponential tail estimate on the product.