[Math] Differentiable functions with discontinuous derivatives

applied-mathematicsclassical-mechanicsdifferential equationsreal-analysis

For years I've taught my honors calculus students about functions like (the continuous extension of) $x^2 \sin 1/x$, and for just as many years I've told them that they won't encounter functions like this outside theoretical mathematics.

But now I'm wondering whether simplified mathematical models of Euler's disk (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_Disk) or other idealized physical systems might involve functions in which the amplitude of some oscillatory quantity goes to zero while the frequency goes to infinity in finite time, and in particular, whether there might be "natural" examples of differentiable functions with discontinuous derivatives.

Can anyone point to examples in the existing literature? E.g., is there an exactly solvable differential equation of physical origin with a solution of the form $f(t) = |t|^a \sin |t|^{-b}$ $(t<0)$ such that, defining $f(t)=0$ for $t \geq 0$, one gets a differentiable function whose derivative is discontinuous at 0?

Best Answer

Here is an example for which we have a "natural" nonlinear PDE for which solutions are known to be everywhere differentiable and conjectured-- but not yet proved-- to be $C^1$.

Suppose that $\Omega$ is a smooth bounded domain in $\mathbb R^d$ and $g$ is a smooth function defined on the boundary, $\partial \Omega$. Consider the prototypical problem in the "$L^\infty$ calculus of variations" which is to find an extension $u$ of $g$ to the closure of $\Omega$ which minimizes $\| Du \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}$, or equivalently, the Lipschitz constant of $u$ on $\Omega$. When properly phrased, this leads to the infinity Laplace equation $$ -\Delta_\infty u : = \sum_{i,j=1}^d \partial_{ij} u\, \partial_i u \, \partial_j u = 0, $$ which is the Euler-Lagrange equation of the optimization problem.

The (unique, weak) solution of this equation (subject to the boundary condition) characterizes the correct notion of minimal Lipschitz extension. It is known to be everywhere differentiable by a result of Evans and Smart: http://math.mit.edu/~smart/differentiability.ae.pdf.

It is conjectured to be $C^{1,1/3}$, or anyway at least $C^1$. It is known to be $C^{1,\alpha}$ for some $\alpha>0$ in dimension $d=2$ (due to O. Savin), but the problem remains open in dimensions $d\geq 3$.

I am unaware of any other situation in PDE where the regularity gets blocked between differentiability and $C^1$. Typically, if you can prove something is differentiable, the proof can be made quantitative enough to give $C^1$ with a modulus.

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