[Math] Differentiability of computable functions


Call a computable function a total function $\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$, for which there exists a Turing machine outputting arbitrary close approximation to $f(x)$ given arbitrary close approximation to $x$.

  1. Obviously not every computable function is differentiable (for example, absolute value).
    For arbitrary continuous functions, the set of points of differentiability is $\Pi_{3}^0$.
    Can this be improved for computable functions?
  2. Suppose $f$ is computable and continously differentiable everywhere. Must $f'$ be computable?

Best Answer

John Myhill gave an example of a recursive function defined on a compact interval and having a continuous derivative that is not recursive [Michigan Math. J. 18 (1971), 97-98, MR0280373]. However, Pour-El and Richards have shown that if a recursive function defined on a compact interval has a continuous second derivative, then it has a recursive first derivative [Computability and noncomputability in classical analysis, TAMS 275 (1983), 539-560, MR0682717].

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