Diffeomorphism of 3-Manifolds – Algebraic and Geometric Topology


Surgery theory aims to measure the difference between simple homotopy types and diffeomorphism types. In 3 dimensions, geometrization achieves something much more nuanced than that. Still, I wonder whether the surgeons' key problem has been solved. Is every simple homotopy equivalence between smooth, closed 3-manifolds homotopic to a diffeomorphism?

In related vein, it follows from J.H.C. Whitehead's theorem that a map of closed, connected smooth 3-manifolds is a homotopy equivalence if it has degree $\pm 1$ and induces an isomorphism on $\pi_1$. Is there a reasonable criterion for such a homotopy equivalence to be simple? One could, for instance, ask about maps that preserve abelian torsion invariants (e.g. Turaev's).

Best Answer

Turaev defined a simple-homotopy invariant which is a complete invariant of homeomorphism type (originally assuming geometrization).

Here is the Springer link if you have a subscription: Towards the topological classification of geometric 3-manifolds

He claims in the paper that a map between closed 3-manifolds is a homotopy equivalence if and only if it is a simple homotopy equivalence, but he says that the proof of this result will appear in a later paper. I'm not sure if this has appeared though (I haven't searched through his later papers on torsion, and there's no MathScinet link).

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