[Math] Degree of Transcendentality and Feynman Diagrams


Physicists computing multiloop Feynman diagrams have introduced various
techniques and conjectures that involve the notion of Degree of Transcendentality (DoT). From what I understand one defines

1) $DoT(r)=0$, r rational

2) $DoT(\pi^k)=k$, $k \in {\mathbb N}$,

3) $DoT(\zeta(k))=k$,

4) $DoT( a \cdot b)= DoT(a)+DoT(b)$

One then proves for example that the $\ell$-loop contribution to a certain scaling function in $N=4$ Supersymmetric gauge theory consists of a sum of terms all of which have DoT equal to $2 \ell-2$.

This can't be rigorous mathematically, since it is not even known that $\zeta(2n+1)$ is transcendental, but is there some circle of ideas, or conjecture in mathematics that if true would give a precise definition to DoT?

Best Answer

Your transcendentality reminds me about the Institute of Algebraic Meditation at Höör (Sweden). To be honest, your definition corresponds to what is known as the weight of a (multiple) zeta value (see Michael Hoffman's http://www.usna.edu/Users/math/meh/mult.html, especially the references on MZVs). These indeed occur in the computation of Feynman's diagrams. As for conjectures related to the transcendental number theory tag, a belief is that $\pi$ and odd zeta values $\zeta(3)$, $\zeta(5)$, etc, are algebraically independent over the rationals.