[Math] Degenerate case of linear programming duality

linear programming

Let's say we have a maximization linear program that looks like this: maximize $\vec{c}\vec{x}$, subject to $\matrix{A}\vec{x} \leq 0$, $\vec{x} \geq 0$. If we take the dual, we have "minimize $0\vec{y}$, subject to $\vec{y}\matrix{A}\geq\vec{c}, \vec{y}\geq 0$". I'm particularly bothered by the "minimize $0$" part of the dual program – but does the duality theorem still hold – that is: is it true that if there is a $\vec{y}$ that is feasible for the dual program, then for all $\vec{x}$ that is feasible for the primal program, $\vec{c}\vec{x} \leq 0$?


Best Answer

Yes, the duality theorem holds. "Minimize 0" makes your life much easier, because you know exactly what the optimal value of the dual program is...

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