[Math] Deep theorems and long proofs

computational complexitylo.logicproof-theory

I ran across this discussion by Daniel Shanks,

"Is the quadratic reciprocity law a deep theorem?."
Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory. Vol. 297. AMS, 2001. p.64ff.

which made me wonder:

Q. Is there a theorem in some formal system whose proofs are known to be
necessarily "long" in some sense, perhaps in the Kolmogorov-complexity sense?

I know it has been established that there are relatively "short" theorems that have
only enormously "long" proofs (apparently[?] due to Gödel,"On the length of proofs"),
but I'm asking if it is known that some
particular theorem only has long proofs?
(This is in some sense the obverse of the MO compendium,
"Quick proofs of hard theorems.")

Obviously this is a naive question!

Best Answer

There is a body of very interesting work surrounding the proof complexity of various formulations of the well-known pigeon-hole principle, the fact that there is no injective function from a set of size $m$ to a set of size $n$, when $m\gt n$. It turns out that the difficulty of proving this depends on how much bigger $m$ is than $n$, and so we have actually a variety of pigeon-hole principles here:

  • Pigeon-hole principle. There is no injective map $n+1\to n$ for natural numbers $n$.

  • Moderately weak pigeon-hole principle. There is no injection $2n\to n$, for positive natural numbers $n$.

  • Weak pigeon-hole principle. There is no injection from $n^2\to n$ for natural numbers $n>1$.

  • Very weak pigeon-hold principle. There is no injection $\infty\to n$, for any finite $n$.

The principles become easier to prove, of course, as the domain gets larger, and there are shorter proofs when the domain is very large. The paper Proof complexity of pigeon-hole principles by Alexander Rozborov contains many interesting results on the computational proof complexity of these various formulations of the pigeon-hole principle, and in particular of the necessary long lengths of proofs in certain systems. Meanwhile, results of Sam Buss, Polynomial size proofs of the propositional pigeon-hole principle show that there is a dependence on the particular proof system that is adopted, for in certain Frege system one can still obtain polynomial size proofs.