[Math] Decompose tensor product of type $G_2$ Lie algebras.


Let $G$ be a semisimple Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $V(\lambda)$ be the irreducible highest weight module for $G$ with highest weight $\lambda$. If $G$ is of type A, we can decompose $V(\lambda)\otimes V(\mu)$ using Littlewood-Richardson rule. In other types, if $\lambda$ and $\mu$ are given explicitly, we can use Weyl character formula to compute the decomposition. My question is can we have some rules similar as Littlewood-Richardson rule for other types (especially for type $G_2$)? Does Littelmann's path model work for this?

Best Answer

The search term you want to look for is "Klimyk's Formula." This formula boils down to the following:

Fix $G$ a compact complex semisimple Lie group. Suppose $V(\lambda)$ and $V(\mu)$ are irreducible representations with highest weights $\lambda$ and $\mu$ respectively. Let $W_\lambda = \{\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots \lambda_d\}$ be the multiset of weights of $V(\lambda)$ with $d = dim(V(\lambda))$. Then the irreducible components of $V(\lambda)\otimes V(\mu)$ are given by $\{V(\mu+\lambda_i)\}_{i=1}^d$.

To apply this in practice, you need to be comfortable with the concept of defining $V(\lambda)$ when $\lambda$ is not a dominant weight (which sometimes causes modules to cancel when they appear with both positive and negative signs in the sum), but it applies to lots of groups (even beyond the scope of compact complex semisimple in some cases if im not mistaken), and Littlewood-Richardson is just the special case of this formula in type $A$.

An example for $G_2$ (since that is also my favorite compact semisimple Lie group) is to let $\lambda = [1,0]$ be the highest weight of the 7-dimensional representation and $\mu = [0,1]$ the highest weight of the 14-dimensional adjoint representation.

The seven weights of $V(\lambda)$ are $[1,0]$, $[-1,1]$, $[2,-1]$, $[0,0]$, $[-2,1]$, $[1,-1]$, and $[-1,0]$ so Klimyk tells us the 98-dimensional tensor product decomposes as:

$V([1,1]) \oplus V([-1,2]) \oplus V([2,0]) \oplus V([0,1]) \oplus V([-2,2]) \oplus V([1,0]) \oplus V([-1,1])$

This is where familiarity with interpreting modules with non-dominant highest weights comes in; $V[-1,2]$ and $V[-1,1]$ turn out to be 0-dimensional modules, while $V([-2,2]) \cong -V([0,1])$*. Thus the terms which do not disappear are $V([1,1])$ which is a 64-dimensional module, $V([2,0])$ which is a 27-dimensional module, and $V([1,0])$ which is the 7-dimensional defining representation, a total of 98 dimensions.

If you had instead chosen to switch $\lambda$ and $\mu$ and add the 14 weights of $V([0,1])$ to [1,0], you would have obtained 14 modules, but as before, some would have been zero and others would have cancelled in pairs ultimately leading to the same three modules as above being the only things left over. In my opinion, this reflexivity always holding is the coolest thing about Klimyk's formula.

One neat corollary to Klimyk's formula is that a tensor product of two irreducible modules cannot decompose into a sum of more than $d$ irreducibles where $d$ is the minimum of the dimensions of the two modules.

*EDIT: After posting, I decided to add a bit more about modules with non-dominant highest weight. Basically, the weights of a group $G$ are permuted via the Weyl group action on the weights. Weights are determined by integer $r$-tuples where $r$ is the rank of $G$; tuples containing a -1 lie in the walls of the Weyl chambers and so the modules with these highest weights end up being 0. There are a few other subspaces which also correspond to walls; weights $\mu$ not lying in the walls satisfy $w(\mu) = \lambda$ for some dominant weight $\lambda$ (all coordinates nonnegative) and a unique $w$ in the Weyl group (i.e. only one $w$ in the Weyl group will take $\mu$ to a dominant weight, so $\lambda$ is also uniquely determined). Then $V(\mu)$ is defined by the following relationship:

$V(\mu) = (-1)^w\cdot V(\lambda)$

Here $(-1)^w$ is the sign representation which appears with all Weyl groups; in the $A$-series whose Weyl groups are the $S_n$'s this is the ordinary sign representation.

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