[Math] Decidability of the Axiom of Choice


Everything that I read regarding Set Theory states that the Axiom of Choice is independent and undecidable within the context of Zermelo-Frankel Set Theory. My question is this: Is there any consistent form of Set Theory stronger than ZF in which the Axiom of Choice IS decidable?

Thanks guys…First time on here =)


Best Answer

Assuming the consistency of ZF, the two minimal such theories are ZFC (= ZF + AC) and ZF + ¬AC. However, there are plenty of stronger statements that imply the Axiom of Choice over ZF, such as the Axiom of Constructibility (aka V = L) and V = HOD (every set is ordinal definable). There are also statements that refute the Axiom of Choice over ZF such as the Axiom of Determinacy and various "regularity axioms" such as "every subset of [0,1] is Lebesgue measurable" or "every uncountable subset of [0,1] contains a perfect set."