[Math] Covering spaces of surfaces


Let $\Sigma_g$ be a surface of genus $g\ge 2$, and let $\Sigma_k$ be an $m$-sheeted covering
space of $\Sigma_g$. It is known that $k=m(g-1)+1$.

An example of such a covering space is a regular covering obtained by choosing one “hole" as the center of the symmetry and take $\Sigma_k$ to have $m$-fold rotational symmetry around that chosen center (as on standard pictures in your favorite topology book).

Question: Does every finite sheeted regular covering space of $\Sigma_g$ arise in this way?

It feels like this should be known/standard, but I can't find an argument or a reference.

Edit: I agree, the question is not very precise as stated, I certainly didn't have in mind that every finite cover arises via cyclic symmetry as in the example above. The reason for the lack of precision is that I do not have a particular result in mind, but I would like to know if there is a simple geometric description of the covering map, as Misha points out, between two surfaces? The example with the cyclic group gives such a simple description of the covering map.
Or, given any covering map $\Sigma_h\to \Sigma_g$ between two surfaces, is there some kind of a “standard" covering $M\to \Sigma_g$, which factors through $\Sigma_h$?

Best Answer

Given any covering map $\Sigma_h\to\Sigma_g$ between two surfaces, is there some kind of a ``standard" covering $M\to \Sigma_g$, which factors through $\Sigma_h$?

In brief, the answer to this part of the question is 'You can take $M\to\Sigma_g$ to be regular, but beyond that, no.' This can already be extracted from Misha's comments above, but let me try to summarise.

First, note that there is a regular covering $M\to\Sigma_g$ that factors through $\Sigma_h\to\Sigma_g$. (Specifically, you can take $\pi_1M$ to be the intersection of all the conjugates of $\pi_1\Sigma_h$.) So, as in the earlier part of your question, you can take $\Sigma_h\to\Sigma_g$ to be regular.

You can now rephrase your question in terms of normal quotients of $\pi_1\Sigma_g$, and it becomes

Given any finite quotient $q:\pi_1\Sigma_g\to Q$, is there some kind of 'standard' finite quotient $p:\pi_1\Sigma_g\to P$ such that $q$ factors through $p$?

In particular, $P$ surjects $Q$. But any finite group can arise as $Q$ (see Misha's and algori's comments---the point is that $\pi_1\Sigma_g$ surjects a free group), so you are looking for a 'standard' family of finite groups that surjects every finite group. But there's no 'natural' definition of such a family.

Remark: Obviously, there are such families, such as $\{ Q\times\mathbb{Z}/2\}$ where $Q$ is an arbitrary finite group, but clearly this is not 'natural'.