[Math] counter example for semi direct product of groups



I have got a very natural question in group theory.
Suppose you have two countable groups $G_1,G_2$, some action of $\mathbb Z$ on them such that
the semi direct products are isomorphic $\phi:G_1\rtimes \mathbb Z\simeq G_2\rtimes \mathbb Z$.
We suppose that $\phi(\mathbb Z)=\mathbb Z$.
Do we have that $G_1\simeq G_2$?
It looks silly but I have not been able to find a counterexample.


Best Answer


Let $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ be infinite cyclic groups with generators $x,y,z$. Make a semidirect product $XY$ using the nontrivial action of $X$ on $Y$. Make the direct product of this with $Z$. In this group there is the free abelian group $XZ$, and inside that there is the infinite cyclic group generated by $xz$. This has two "normal complements" $XY$ and $YZ$. One is nonabelian and the other is abelian.