[Math] coordinate-free proof of the hamiltonian character of the geodesic flow


I do not know if this question is appropriate for this site, but I posted here without having answers, so now I make this attempt.

Let be $(M,g)$ a pseudoriemannian manifold. Let us identify the tangent and the cotangent bundles through the musical isomorphism $g^\flat:u\in TM\to g(u,\cdot)\in T^\ast M.$

It is well known that:

The geodesics of $(M,g),$ i.e. the solutions of
$\frac{D}{dt}\gamma=0,$ are integral curves for the hamiltonian vector
field of $K:u\in TM\to \tfrac{1}{2}g(u,u)\in\mathbb{R}$ w.r.t. the
canonical symplectic form.

Question Knowing how to show it using coordinates and Christoffell symbols, I am wondering how to prove it in an intrinsic way.

Best Answer

You may find an elegant proof of this fact on Paternain's book "Geodesic Flows" (Birkhauser), in the very first pages. For convenience, I will reproduce the main parts of the argument here:

The most important step is to understand the geometry of $TTM$, the tangent bundle to the tangent bundle of $M$. Henceforth denote $\pi:TM\to M$ the footpoint projection. Note that, along the zero section, there is a canonical identification of $T_{(x,0_x)}TM=T_xM\oplus T_xM$, nevertheless this is not the case for arbitrary points in $TM$. Existence of a canonical horizontal complement to the vertical space $\ker d\pi$ is equivalent to having a connection.

Connection map:

Fix a connection and consider the connection map $K:TTM\to TM$ defined as follows. Consider $\xi\in T_\theta TM$ and a curve $z:(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\to TM$ s.t. $z(0)=\theta$, $\dot z(0)=\xi$. These give rise to a curve $\alpha=\pi\circ z$ (the projection of $z$ onto $M$)and a vector field $Z$ along $\alpha$, s.t. $z(t)=(\alpha(t),Z(t))$. Then $K$ is defined by $$K_\theta (\xi)=(\nabla_{\dot\alpha} Z)(0).$$

Horizontal lift:

Now, define the horizontal lift $L_\theta:T_xM\to T_\theta TM$ as follows: given $v\in T_xM$ and $\beta:(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\to M$ a curve s.t. $\beta(0)=x$ and $\dot\beta(0)=v$, let $W(t)$ be the parallel transport of $v$ along $\beta$ and $\sigma:(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\to TM$ be the curve $\sigma(t)=(\beta(t),W(t))$. Then set $$L_\theta(v)=\dot\sigma(0)\in T_\theta TM.$$

Finally, we recall that in the above language, the geodesic vector field $G:TM\to TTM$ is clearly given by $G(\theta)=L_\theta(v)$.

Symplectic structure of $TM$:

One can verify that, in the above notation, the canonical symplectic structure of $TM$ can be invariantly written as $$\omega_\theta(\xi,\eta)=g(d_\theta \pi (\xi),K_\theta(\eta))-g(K_\theta(\xi),d_\theta\pi(\eta)).$$

Prop. The geodesic field $G$ is the symplectic gradient of the Hamiltonian $H(x,v)=\tfrac12 g_x(v,v)$, i.e., for all $\theta \in TM$ and all $\xi \in T_\theta TM$, $$d_\theta H(\xi)=\omega_\theta (G(\theta),\xi).$$

Pf. With a curve $z:(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\to TM$ s.t. $z(0)=\theta$, $\dot z(0)=\xi$, we have: $$d_\theta H(\xi)=\frac{d}{dt}H(z(t))\big|_{t=0}$$



$$=g(d_\theta \pi(L_\theta (v)),K_\theta(\xi))$$

$$=g(d_\theta \pi(G(\theta)),K_\theta(\xi))$$

$$=\omega_\theta (G(\theta),\xi)\quad\square$$