[Math] Convex polynomial homogenization and convexity


I have a polynomial that I know to be convex. If I homogenize the polynomial, is the resulting homogeneous polynomial also convex? I know that the perspective of a convex function is convex, but cannot find a citation for the homogenization of a convex function.

The function whose convexity I would like to show in the variables $(a,p_1,\dots,p_N)$ for $a > 0$ and under some bound on the magnitudes of the $p_n$'s (I suspect the bound will be $\vert p_n \vert < a$) is

$a^2 \prod_{n=1}^N \left(1 + \vert p_n \vert^2/a^2\right)$.

The function $\prod_{n=1}^N \left(1 + \vert p_n \vert^2\right)$ is log-convex and therefore convex in the $p_n$'s, but I am having difficulty showing that the original function is convex. However, the original function is a homogenized version of this convex function.

Thank you!

Best Answer

It is definitely not true that the homogenization of a convex polynomial is convex. In fact, any convex polynomial that is not nonnegative will no longer be convex after homogenization. (This is because homogenization preserves lack of nonnegativity and convex homogeneous polynomials are always nonnegative.)

But even if the polynomial is nonnegative, the statement is still not true. Take e.g. the univariate polynomial $10x_1^4-5x_1+2$, which is convex and nonnegative, but its homogenization $10x_1^4-5x_1x_2^3+2x_2^4$ is not convex.

(Of course, for your specific polynomial the statement can be true, but I'm answering the general question that you raised.)

What is true generally is that the homogenization of a polynomial of degree d is convex if and only if the d-th root of the polynomial is convex. See Proposition 4.4 on p. 13 of the following nice paper of Reznick for the precise statement and a proof: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~reznick/blenders2.pdf

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