[Math] Convex hull of lattice points in a circle


Let $C_n$ denote the convex hull of all integer vectors $(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2$ satisfying
$x^2+y^2\leq n$. What can be said about the number of vertices of $C_n$ and the number of integer points on the boundary of $C_n$? Are there nice asymptotic formulas, possibly for special values of $n$?

Best Answer

Asymptotic formulas might be asking for a lot, but there is some work by I. Barany et al. See:

RANDOM POINTS AND LATTICE POINTS IN CONVEX BODIES IMRE BA ́RA ́NY (in BAMS 2008) and the paper referred to therein by Balog/Barany:

Balog, Antal(H-AOS); Bárány, Imre(H-AOS) On the convex hull of the integer points in a disc. Discrete and computational geometry (New Brunswick, NJ, 1989/1990), 39–44, DIMACS Ser. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 6, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991. 11H06 (11P21 52C07)

The former talks about some nice probabilistic results, the latter shows that there is an estimate of the form $c_1r^{2/3} \leq N(r) \leq c_2 r^{2/3},$ where $N(r) = C_n,$ and $r=n$ in your notation.

EDIT Answering my own question in the comments: it is a result of Renyi-Sulanke, 1963, that for $n$ random points in the disk, the expected number of extremal points is $O(n^{1/3}),$ so this is of the same order as for lattice points. A bit surprising.

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