[Math] Consistency strength needed for applied mathematics


Given that we can never proof the consistency of a theory for the foundations of mathematics in a weaker system, one could seriously doubt whether any of the commonly used foundational frameworks (ZFC or other axiomatisations of set theory, second-order PA, type theory) is actually consistent (and hence true of some domain of objects). One of the ways to justify a certain framework for the foundations of mathematics is by adopting an empiricist stance in the philosophy of mathematics and argue that mathematics must be right because it correctly explains natural phenomena that we observe (i.e. is needed in empirical sciences), and that hence some foundational framework unifying our mathematical knowledge is justified.

Now different foundational frameworks have different consistency strengths. For example, ZFC with some large cardinal axiom (which one might want to accept in order to do category theory more comfortably) has a greater consistency strength than just ZFC. The above justification would only justify a foundational framework of a given consistency strength if that consistency strength is needed for some application of mathematics to empirical sciences.

Have there been any investigations into the question which consistency strength in the foundational framework is needed for applied mathematics? Is there any application of mathematics to empirical sciences which requires a large cardinal? Is maybe something of consistency strength weaker than ZFC enough for applied mathematics? Have any philosophers of mathematics asked questions like these before?

Best Answer

The research area known as Reverse Mathematics is concerned with finding out the weakest theory that suffices to prove a given mathematical statement over a very weak base theory. The project has now been successfully carried out for a huge proportion of the theorems of classical mathematics, many of which would seem to be central for any robust effort in applied mathematics. So it seems to me that the answer to your question is provided by the precise reverse mathematical strength of the principal classical theorems used in whatever branch of applied mathematics you have in mind, which I expect might include much of classical analysis and other areas.

There is a particularly good book on reverse mathematics by Stephen Simpson, and the topic has been mentioned several times here on MathOverflow.

One surprising outcome of the work is that numerous classical theorems have turned out to be equivalent to each other, grouped in a comparatively small number of equivalence classes. Follow the link above for information about the five principal theories.