Consistency of Analysis in Second Order Arithmetic – Proof Theory


Is there a proof of the consistency of Analysis (second order arithmetic), which is similar to Gentzen's proof of the consistency of arithmetic?


Which (different) methods can be used to prove the consistency of Analysis? and where can I find such proofs?

Best Answer

I believe the answer is "no": certainly the proof-theoretic ordinal (the optimal object taking the role of "$\epsilon_0$" in Gentzen's proof) is totally unknown, and my understanding is that there is no non-trivial upper bound on it, either. See also Proof-Theoretic Ordinal of ZFC or Consistent ZFC Extensions?; in particular, my understanding is that we only know the actual proof-theoretic ordinals of theories up to (something around) $\Pi^1_2$-comprehension, and I suspect we don't even have upper bounds for proof-theoretic ordinals as high as $\Pi^1_3$-comprehension.

That said, I also believe this is the only obstacle - that is, if we had the proof-theoretic ordinal $\alpha$ in hand, then we would have a proof of "Analysis is consistent" from "$T$+'induction along $\alpha$'", where $T$ is some reasonable weak base theory and "induction along $\alpha$" is properly formulated. So in some sense, the only real difference between analysis and arithmetic is in the complexity of finding the proof-theoretic ordinal.

. . . however, the use of the word "only" there can be extremely misleading: finding proof-theoretic ordinals of stronger and stronger theories requires increasingly deep ideas, and not just the continued turning of a well-understood crank. So on the one hand, while it's valuable to localize all the difficulty around a single object, it's also true that this is a vastly complex object, and that saying "all we need to do is understand the proof-theoretic ordinal" is less meaningful than it might sound.

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