[Math] Consequences of the Inverse Galois Problem


Are there any papers written about the consequences of the Inverse Galois Problem in case it is proved to be true or false?

We know a lot of things that would be true if the Riemann Hypothesis holds. What results would the Inverse Galois problem imply?

Best Answer

I once saw an application of a solved case of the inverse Galois problem.

It is well known, that the Dedekind $\zeta$-function of a number field does not determine the number field up to isomorphy. In the talk it was shown that the $\zeta$-function together with a certain number of twists by characters do determine the number field. Let $K$ be the number field in question, $L$ be its normal closure. To define the right twist an abelian extension $M$ of $K$ was considered, which is as independent from $L$ as possible, that is, the Galois group of the normal closure of $M$ is a wreath product of the Galois group of $L$ and a cyclic group. The existence of such an $M$ is a special case of the inverse Galois problem, which had been solved before.

Sorry, but I have no name or further detail.

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