[Math] connection between the Gaussian and the Cauchy distribution


I have always been surprised by the fact that the quotient of two independent Gaussian random variables is a Cauchy Random variable – as this is often the case, coincidence in mathematics are not accidental: is there any deep explanations behind this connection between the Gaussian and the Cauchy distribution ?

other examples:

  • if a $2$-dimensional Brownian motion $(X_t, Y_t)$ is started at $(0,1)$ and stopped the first time $T$ that it hits the real axis, then $X_T$ is also distributed as a Cauchy distribution.
  • the Cauchy distribution also shows up when studying how a complex brownian motion winds around the origin.

Best Answer

The bivariate distribution formed by two independent normalized Gaussians is rotationally symmetric (think about the usual argument for evaluating the probability integral). The quotient of two random variables $X$ and $Y$ is the tangent of the angle between $(0,0)$ and $(X,Y)$ with the $x$-axis. If one has a rotationally symmetric distribution for $X$ and $Y$ (with no point mass at the origin) then $Y/X$ is a tangent of a uniformly distributed angle. This is the Cauchy distribution.

Added Your example with the Brownian motion states in effect that if $P$ is the first point that the motion hits the $x$-axis then the angle between the line from $P$ to the starting point and the $y$-axis is uniformly distributed between $-\pi$ and $\pi$. I can't see any reason why this should be so, but perhaps someone (unlike me) who actually knows something about Brownian motion might know why.

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