[Math] connected compact semisimple lie group finite fundamental group


I was told that the fundamental group of a connected, compact, semisimple Lie group is finite, with the outline of a possible way to prove this fact. Is there any source however that fleshes this out in detail / are there several ways to prove this fact?


(The result is often known as Weyl's theorem, I think for his take on the proof, Knapp provides a fairly detailed exposition of his perspective.)

Best Answer

There is a quick proof via Lie algebra cohomology: Let $G$ denote your compact, connected, semisimple Lie group, and let $\mathfrak g$ denote its Lie algebra. Then $$ H^1(G;\mathbb R) = H^1(\mathfrak g;\mathbb R) = \text{Hom}_{\mathbb R} (\mathfrak g/[\mathfrak g, \mathfrak g], \mathbb R) = 0, $$ whence $H_1(G;\mathbb Z)$ is finite. But $\pi_1(G)$ is abelian hence is isomorphic to $H_1(G;\mathbb Z)$. QED.