[Math] Congruences between Fermat quotients


This a repost of a question I asked at Stack Exchange:


I didn't get a complete answer to my question, so I'm trying again here.

If $p$ is a prime number and $a$ is relatively prime to $p$, then by Fermat's Little Theorem, the Fermat quotient $q_p(a) = (a^{p-1}-1)/p$ is an integer. To summarize that other post, I stumbled across some congruences relating Fermat quotients and wonder 1) if these and/or similar congruences are known, and 2)where I can find other proofs than my own, either simple enough to post here or written up somewhere.

Here are some examples:

If $p = 2^a-1$ is a Mersenne prime, so $a$ is prime, then $q_p(2) \equiv 2q_a(2) \pmod{p}$.

If $p = 2^n-3$ is prime for some $n$, then $3nq_p(2) + 1 \equiv 3q_p(3) \pmod{p}$

If $p = 3^n-4$ is prime for some $n$, then $4nq_p(3) + 1 \equiv 8 q_p(2) \pmod{p}$

I have proved a few others of this nature and seem to have a way to generate more if I wish.

Edit: These and other similar congruences follow from an elementary argument of Edmund Landau. See my answer to my own question belowl.

Best Answer

Let just try a look at your first result:

Corollary 1 in Johnson, Wells paper above says:

Let $\epsilon = 1,-1$ and let $p=2^r+ \epsilon$ be a prime number. Then

$$ q_p(2) \equiv \frac{\epsilon}{r} \pmod{p} $$

Your result for a Mersenne prime (taking $\epsilon =-1$ above) follows from this:

Observe that (trivially) $2^r \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$. Thus $2^r-2 \equiv -1 \pmod{p}$

In other words:

$$ 2q_r(2) \equiv (2^r -2) \frac{1}{r} \equiv (-1) \cdot \frac{1}{r} \equiv \frac{\epsilon}{r} \equiv q_p(2) \pmod{p} $$

Thus $$ q_p(2) \equiv 2q_r(2) \pmod{p}. $$

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