Complex Variables – Conformal Maps in Higher Dimensions


In dimension 2 we know by the Riemann mapping theorem that any simply connected domain ( $\neq \mathbb{R}^{2}$) can be mapped bijectively to the unit disk with a function that preserves angles between curves, ie is conformal.

I have read the claim that conformal maps in higher dimensions are pretty boring but does anyone know a proof or even a intuitive argument that conformal maps in higher dimensions are trivial?

Best Answer

I think you're looking for Liouville's theorem. This theorem states that for $n >2$, if $V_1,V_2 \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ are open subsets and $f : V_1 \rightarrow V_2$ is a smooth conformal map, then $f$ is the restriction of a higher-dimensional analogue of a Mobius transformation.

By the way, observe that there are no assumptions on the topology of the $V_i$ -- they don't have to be simply-connected, etc.

EDIT : I'm updating this ancient answer to link to a blog post by Danny Calegari which contains a sketch of a beautifully geometric argument for Liouville's theorem.

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