[Math] Conditions for positivity of Fourier transform

fourier analysisharmonic-analysis

Assume you are given a non-negative, continuous, radial function $f\in L^q(\mathbb{R}^3)$ (for any $q\geq 1$).

Are there any conditions which would guarantee that the Fourier transform of $f$, that is $\hat{f}(p)$, is also non-negative?

Best Answer

the three-dimensional Fourier transform $F(\vec{p})$, of the radial function $f(r)$ has Fourier transform

$$F(\vec{p})=\int_0^\infty dr\int_0^\pi d\theta \int_0^{2\pi}d\phi\;e^{ ipr\cos\theta}f(r) r^2\sin\theta$$ $$\qquad=\frac{4\pi}{p}\int_0^\infty rf(r)\sin(pr)\,dr,\;\;{\rm with}\;\;p=|\vec{p}|.$$

so you're asking when the Fourier-sine-transform $S(p)$ of $rf(r)$ will be (pointwise) positive for $p>0$. A sufficient condition is that $rf(r)$ is a decreasing function of $r>0$, see On positivity of Fourier transforms.

For a related question, see this MO post.

For the connection to Bochner's theorem: the OP's question amounts to finding a function that is both positive and positive-definite, since positive functions have positive-definite Fourier transforms.

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