[Math] Conditions for a topological group to be a Lie group


In flipping through the Springer lecture notes on Serre's 1964 'Lie Algebras and Lie Groups' lectures at Harvard, I found this pair of suprising results (page 157):

Let $G$ be a locally compact group. Then

  1. (Gleason-Montgomery-Zippin-Yamabe) G is a real Lie group iff it does not contain arbitrarily small subgroups (i.e., there exists a neighbourhood of the identity containing no nontrivial subgroup).
  2. (Lazard) G is a $p$-adic Lie group iff it contains an open subgroup $U$ such that $U$ is a finitely generated pro-$p$-group with $[U,U] \subset U^{p^2}$.

Are there further results that tell us when $G$ is a Lie group over $K$, $K = \mathbb{C}$ or $[K: \mathbb{Q}_p] < \infty$?

Best Answer

Every locally compact and locally contractible topological group is a Lie group (Hofmann-Neeb arXiv:math/0609684).

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