[Math] Computing `$\pi_1 S^1$` using groupoids


I believe it is possible to compute $\pi_1 S^1$ by applying the groupoid version of the Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem (in the version presented in May's Concise Course) to a covering of the circle by three arcs. Is there an account like this somewhere in the literature? Ideally I'd like a discussion that a student familiar with May's book would be able to read. (May doesn't take a 2-categorical approach to groupoids, and so he does not discuss the fact that a diagram of groupoids that is a point-wise equivalence induces an equivalence of colimits. This is rather important for computations.)

Edit: this last statement is false in general! I was thinking of homotopy colimits. The relevant (correct) fact appears in Ronnie Brown's book: retracts of pushouts are pushouts. This is the means by which one compares the Van Kampen theorem for the full fundamental groupoid – as in May's book – with the Van Kampen theorem for the fundamental groupoid on a set of basepoints.)

Best Answer

I can only point to the place where this was originally done (or rather, the latest edition thereof):

Topology and Groupoids by Ronnie Brown

It's a fantastic textbook and easy to read (and cheap, if you buy the electronic copy - the best £5 I've spent). Ideally what you'd do is calculate the equivalent subgroupoid $\Pi_1(S^1,\{a,b,c\})$ where $a,b,c$ are three points in $S^1$, one in each intersection of opens.