[Math] Complexity of testing integer square-freeness

algorithmscomputational complexitynt.number-theory

How fast can an algorithm tell if an integer is square-free?

I am interested in both deterministic and randomized algorithms. I also care about both unconditional results and ones conditional on GRH (or other reasonable number-theoretic conjectures).

One reference I could find was on the Polymath4 wiki, where it states

No unconditional polynomial-time
deterministic algorithm for
square-freeness seems to be known. (It
is listed as an open problem in this

from 1994.)

I can't tell if that quote implies that both conditional and randomized polynomial-time algorithms exist, but it might (the exception that proves the rule?).

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As an upper bound, the problem is clearly in NP at worst. Given a putative factorization, we can check that it is indeed a correct factorization of n and whether it is square free in (very low degree) polynomial time.

Another way of saying this is that there is a non-deterministic polynomial time algorithm. (But this is a far cry, of course, from having a polynomial time random algorithm.)

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