Complexity of Random Knot with Vertices on Sphere – Knot Theory


Connect $n$ random points on a sphere in a cycle of
segments between succesive points:

     Random Knot

I would like to know the growth rate, with respect to $n$, of the crossing number
(the minimal number of crossings of any diagram of the knot)
$c(n)$ of such a knot.
I only know that $c(n)$ is $O(n^2)$,
because it is known
that the crossing number is upper-bounded by
the stick number $s(n)$:
$$\frac{1}{2}(7+\sqrt{ 8 c(K) + 1}) \le s(K)$$
for any knot $K$.
And $s(n) \le n$ is immediate.

I feel certain this has been explored but I am not finding it
in the literature. Thanks for pointers!

Best Answer

Edited 2/9 after discussion with Dylan Thurston

It seems unlikely that the obvious knot projections can be simplified by more than a constant factor, so a quadratic lower bound for the expected minimum crossing number seems likely. Crossing number by itself though is a strange measure of complexity, and it is hard to compute. However, it's bounded below by hyperbolic volume of the knot complement.

It would be possible to get some experimental evidence by feeding output of your random process through snappea, and looking at the distribution of hyperbolic volume. However, I think hyperbolic volume probably grows at a less than quadratic rate. You can imagine thickening the knot into a growing solid torus, pushing outward until every part of the boundary has bumped into other boundary --- similarly to a Voronoi subdivision. With tubes of diameter some constant times $n^{-.5})$, the total volume of tubes is on the order of the volume of the ball, so typical tube spacing should be $O(n^{-.5})$. This suggests the number of faces in this subdivision should be $O(n^{3/2})$, which would give a triangulation having $O(n^{3/2})$ tetrahedron where the knot is in the 1-skeleton, implying that the typical Gromov norm or hyperbolic volume probably grows as $O(n^{3/2})$. This would only imply $n^{3/2}$ crossings.

Marc Lackenby, in SPECTRAL GEOMETRY, LINK COMPLEMENTS AND SURGERY DIAGRAMS, developed a beautiful method to give lower bounds for crossing numbers for knots. His method possibly could be applicable to improve this situation, provided the Cheeger constants for these manifolds can be shown to be not too small.

It's also possible that one could estimate the degree of the Alexander polynomial, to get an estimate of the crossing number.

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