[Math] Complex Lie group without faithful real representations


Does there exist a complex analytic Lie group which doesn't have faithful representations in $GL(N,\mathbb R)$, viewed as a real Lie group?

There are examples of complex Lie groups which do not allow faithful complex representations, like tori $\mathbb C^n/\mathbb Z^{2n}$, but such tori have many faithful real representations.

Also there are examples of real Lie groups without faithful linear representations, like the universal cover of $SL(2,\mathbb R)$ (but they are not complex analytic Lie groups).

How about complex Lie groups without faithful real representations?

Best Answer

Take the complex Heisenberg group of 3 by 3 upper triangular unipotent complex matrices, and mod out by a subgroup $Z\times Z$ in the center.