[Math] Comparables to Journal of Algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra


It was recently suggested to me to seek comparable, alternative, journals to the above two (I am not interested in discussing why one would want to do so here). I am wondering if anyone has suggestions of comparable journals to these two, which I rate as middle-of-the-road specialized journals in algebra.

Optimal answers will be names of journals whose likelihood of accepting any given paper, and esteem amongst people in the field, correlates highly with these two; so, they will consequently be specialized in algebra, and of approximately equal caliber. Also, it would be good if the rigor of the referee process is comparable.

Best Answer

Communications in Algebra (Taylor and Francis). It was my impression that some years ago it was considered as slightly worse than the ones you mentioned, but I also believe they tried to improve lately.

Journal of Algebra and its Applications (WorldScientific). Most likely also considered as not quite as good, but perhaps not much worse either.