[Math] Compact Kaehler manifolds that are isomorphic as symplectic manifolds but not as complex manifolds (and vice-versa)


  1. What are some examples of compact Kaehler manifolds (or smooth complex projective varieties) that are not isomorphic as complex manifolds (or as varieties), but are isomorphic as symplectic manifolds (with the symplectic structure induced from the Kaehler structure)? Elliptic curves should be an example, but I can't think of any others. I'm sure there should be lots…

  2. In the other direction, if I have two compact Kaehler manifolds (or smooth complex projective varieties) that are isomorphic as complex manifolds (or as varieties), then are they necessarily isomorphic as symplectic manifolds?

  3. And one last question that just came to mind: If two smooth complex (projective, if need be) varieties are isomorphic as complex manifolds, then they are isomorphic as varieties?

Best Answer

  1. Well, there are stupid examples like the fact that $\mathbb{P}^n$ has Kähler structures where any rational multiple of the hyperplane class is the Kähler class which are compatible with the standard complex structure (you just rescale the symplectic structure and metric). I think you should get similar examples with multi-parameter families on things like toric varieties with higher dimensional $H^2$.

  2. I know some non-compact examples where you can deform the complex structure without changing the symplectic one. I don't know any compact examples, but they probably exist. The thing is, the only thing you can deform about a symplectic structure on a compact thing is its cohomology class (by the Moser trick), so anything with an big enough family of Kähler metrics will work.

  3. This probably follows from GAGA, but you'd have to ask someone more expert than me to be sure. Edit: David's answer made me realize I forgot to say projective here. That's important.

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