[Math] Clique problem for regular graphs

co.combinatoricsgraph theory

I am looking for NP complete results for cliques in regular graphs. For example is the general problem of determining if a regular graph on n vertices has an n/2 clique NP-complete? (obviously the question is interesting only if the degree is at least n/2). You could also ask the same question for say regular graphs of degree 3n/4.

Best Answer

Let $G = (V,E)$ be a graph and $c ≤ |V |$ a positive integer. The independent sets of $G$ are precisely the cliques of the complementary graph $\overline{G}$.


INSTANCE: Graph $G=(V,E)$, positive integer $c$.

QUESTION: Does $G$ contain an independent set of size $c$ or more,

The independent set problem remains NP-complete when restricted to 3-regular planar graphs.


COMPUTERS AND Intractability, A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness

Michael R. Garey / David S. Johnson

page 194-195

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