[Math] classification of irreducible admissible representations of GL(n)


Does anyone know the classification of irreducible admissible representations of GL(n) (over real,complex and p-adic fields), or some references?

Sorry if this question is not appropriate here.

Best Answer

There's a classification of irreducible admissible representations of real and complex reductive algebraic groups (in particular, GL(n)) due to Langlands, which is the basis of the local Langlands conjecture. A reference for this material is Knapp's "Representation theory of semisimple groups: an overview based on examples".

For GL(n) over a nonarchimedean local field, the papers "Induced reprsentations of reductive p-adic groups I,II" of Bernstein and Zelevinsky provide one step of the classification. It leaves the classification of the supercuspidal representations undertermined. Bushnell and Kutzko's "The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups" determines the full set of irreducible admissible representations.

Update: I second Buzzard's comment above, especially with regards to the "Motives" proceedings. Kudla's and Knapp's articles in Motives II are quite nice, and contain several references including the ones I've mentioned.

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