[Math] Classification of finite type structures leads to Dynkin diagrams


Classification of finite type structures in mathematics often lead to the Dynkin diagrams (Example: representation-finite hereditary algebras, simple Lie algebras, Cluster algebras,… and I have read that there are nearly 50 other such structures connected with the Dynkin diagrams).

Questions: Are there classification results of such "finite type" structures where the answer surprisingly does not correspond to exactly the Dynkin diagrams, but to Dynkin diagrams with maybe a finite number of other diagrams and/or some simply laced diagrams missing (like for example $E_6$)?

Best Answer

How about finite Coxeter groups?


I guess technically this doesn't quite fit since they're classified with Coxeter diagrams not Dynkin diagrams. Essentially you have Dynkin diagrams with the "arrows" removed. Thus, for example, types $B$ and $C$ are the same.

In any case, the classification of finite Coxeter groups yields the standard $A_n$,$B_n=C_n$,$D_n$,$E_6$,$E_7$,$E_8$,$F_4$, and $G_2$ classification (as usual). But it also includes new members $H_2$, $H_3$, $H_4$, and $I_n$.

Jim Humphrey's book "Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups" is a great resource to learn more about these groups.

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