[Math] Category theory and model theory as “natural” counterparts


I am aware of the profound discussion of the relationship between category theory and model theory (e.g. at The n-Category Café) but do wonder why category theory (CT) is not opposed to model theory (MT) from the very beginnings and firstly on a rather superficial level and why it's mostly set theory to play the "natural" counterpart to category theory (e.g. as a foundation of mathematics).

This is just a loose list of superficial analogies (to be taken with at least two grains of salt):

  1. Theories in MT define classes of structures just as categories do in CT: theories describe structures "from the inside", categories describe structures "from the outside".

  2. The relation of "equal up to isomorphism" (between structures/objects) plays a dominant role both in MT and CT.

  3. There are related notions of equivalence of theories (bi-interpretability) and of categories (equivalence of categories). (Thanks to John Goodrick, who clarified this for me.)

  4. Both CT and MT are strongly related to universal algebra:

    MT = universal algebra + logic (Chang/Keisler),

    CT = a language to further abstract away from the standard notions of universal algebra (Tarlecki)

  5. CT and MT both seem to need set theory to provide concrete models (of theories and categories, resp.).

  6. CT and MT can sometimes do without standard set models and provide typical "self-models":

    CT has "hom-set-models" (→ Yoneda)

    MT has "term-models" (→ Henkin).

  7. David Kazdhan's questions concerning MT:

    a) Why is the Model theory so useful in different areas of Mathematics?

    b) Why is it so difficult for mathematicians to learn it ?

    apply equally well to CT. And also his preliminary answer does:

    One difficultly facing one who is trying to learn Model theory is
    disappearance of the ”natural” distinction between the formalism and
    the substance.

  8. First-order theories with an infinite model give rise to arbitrarily large models, their class of models thus – being a proper one – corresponds to a large category.

  9. The name of the important model-theoretic concept "categoricity" is striking. [Addendum: "Category theory provides a notion of 'unique specification’ that is related to categoricity in an interesting way, which remains to be clarified." (Steven Awodey in Completeness and Categoricity, Part II: Twentieth-Century Metalogic to Twenty-First-Century Semantics, p. 91)]

The following questions arise naturally:

Question #1: Why are these –
admittedly vague – analogies so
seldomy discussed in introductory
textbooks on both MT and CT (presuming
some basic knowledge of the respective
other theory)? Even if these analogies
are misleading, it would be of help to
know the reasons-why early.

Question #2: Which concepts can be translated more or less directly from CT to MT
and vice versa? Is there a translation

Question #3: What are the specific strengths and weaknesses of CT and MT, compared to
each other?

Question #4: Can the levels of abstraction of MT and CT be compared?

Best Answer

You are comparing apples and organges. Model theory should be compared with categorical logic, not category theory. Conversely, category theory should be compared with algebra, not model theory.

Model theory is the study of set-theoretic models of theories expressed in first-order classical logic. As such it is a particular branch of categorical logic, which is the study of models of theories, without insistence on set theory, first order, or classical reasoning.