[Math] Can we put a probability measure on every $\sigma$-algebra


The following question has puzzled me for some time:

Let $(\Omega,\Sigma)$ be a nonempty,
measurable space. Does there
necessarily exist a probability
measure $\mu:\Sigma\to[0,1]$?

If there exists a nonempty measurable set $A$ such that no nonempty subset of $A$ is measurable (an atom), we can simply let $\mu(B)=1$ if $A\subseteq B$ and $\mu(B)=0$ otherwise. So the problem is only interesting if the $\sigma$-algebra has not atoms. This rules out every countably generated $\sigma$-algebra. An example of a $\sigma$-algebra that has no atoms but supports a probability measure is $\{0,1\}^\kappa$ for $\kappa$ uncountable, which we can endow with the coin-flipping probability measure.

Best Answer

You write "An example of a σ-algebra that has no atoms but supports a probability measure is $\{0,1\}^\kappa$ for $\kappa$ uncountable, which we can endow with the coin-flipping probability measure."

Maharam's theorem says that these are essentially the only ones. That is: Every Boolean algebra which is equipped with a probability measure (and is Dedekind complete, see below) is isomorphic to a product of the measure algebras on various $2^\kappa$ that you mentioned. (Including finite $\kappa$, to take care of measures with atoms.)

Dedekind complete means that every subset has a least upper bound. If you take a $\sigma$-algebra which carries a $\sigma$-additive probability measure, and divide by the ideal of null sets, then the resulting algebra is still a measure algebra and it will be Dedekind complete.

An exposition of Maharam's theorem can be found in Fremlin's book, volume 3. (The theorem I quoted can be generalized to algebras with a "semifinite" measure, which is more general than probability measure.)

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