[Math] Can a singular Deligne-Mumford stack have a smooth coarse space


Let XX be a Deligne-Mumford stack and let XX \to X be a coarse moduli space. Suppose that X is smooth. Is XX smooth? If not, what is an example? What if XX is of finite type over C (the complex numbers)? What are conditions we can put on XX to make this true?

Best Answer

The answer is yes, a singular DM stack can have a smooth coarse space. Let U=Spec(k[x,y]/(xy)) be the union of the axes in A2, and consider the action of G=Z/2 given by switching the axes: x→y and y→x. Then take XX to be the stack quotient [U/G]. This is a singular Deligne-Mumford stack (since it has an etale cover by something singular), but its coarse space is A1, which is smooth.

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