History of Mathematics – Biography of Felix Hausdorff


Felix Hausdorff was of course a great mathematician, who had major effects on several branches of mathematics. However he also wrote literature and philosophy and was affiliated with important German musicians. When Nazism came to power, Hausdorff failed to escape in time, lost his job, and finally committed suicide in order to avoid being sent to concentration camp.

The above summary of Hausdorff's life comes from reading his wikipedia page and other similar documents. I would like to learn more about him, but for some reason I don't seem to be able to find a book-length biography. (Can there really not be one?)

Question: What is a good source for a detailed biography of Felix Hausdorff?

Best Answer

There is the "Hausdorff edition" project (E. Brieskorn, F. Hirzebruch, W. Purkert, R. Remmert and E. Scholz) which will entail all collected works and is supposed to have a decent biography as well. Out of the planned nine volumes only four have been published. It seems like the first volume where the biography is supposed to appear is still in work. Here is the website:


There you can already find some material which is a bit more extensive than the online articles (such as this one).