[Math] Axiom of choice, Banach-Tarski and reality


The following is not a proper mathematical question but more of a metamathematical one. I hope it is nonetheless appropriate for this site.

One of the non-obvious consequences of the axiom of choice is the Banach-Tarski paradox and thus the existence of non-measurable sets.

On the other hand, there seem to be models of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without axiom of choice where every set would be measurable.

What does this say about the "plausibility" of the axiom of choice? Are there reasons why it is plausible (for physicists, philosophers, mathematicians) to believe that not all sets should be measurable? Is the Banach-Tarski paradox one more reason why one should "believe" in the axiom of choice, or is it on the opposite shedding doubt on it?

Best Answer

There are two ingredients in the Banach-Tarski decomposition theorem:

  1. The notion of space, together with derived notions of part and decomposition.
  2. The axiom of choice.

Most discussion about the theorem revolve around the axiom of choice. I would like to point out that the notion of space can be put under scrutiny as well.

The Banach-Tarski decomposition of the sphere produces non-measurable parts of the sphere. If we restrict the notion of "part" to "measurable subset" the theorem disappears. For instance, if we move over into a model of set theory (without choice) in which all sets are measurable, we will have no Banach-Tarski. This is all well known.

Somewhat amazingly, we can make the Banach-Tarski decomposition go away by extending the notion of subspace, and keep choice too. Alex Simpson in Measure, Randomness and Sublocales (Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 163(11), pp. 1642-1659, 2012) shows that this is achieved by generalizing the notion of topological space to that of locale. He explains it thus:

"The different pieces in the partitions defined by Vitali and by Banach and Tarski are deeply intertangled with each other. According to our notion of “part”, two such intertangled pieces are not disjoint from each other, so additivity does not apply. An intuitive explanation for the failure of disjointness is that, although two such pieces share no point in common, they nevertheless overlap on the topological “glue” that bonds neighbouring points in $\mathbb{R}^n$ together."

Peter Johnstone explained in The point of pointless topology why locales have mathematical significance that goes far beyond fixing a strange theorem about decomposition of the sphere. Why isn't everyone using locales? I do not know, I think it is purely a historic accident. At some point in the 20th century mathematicians collectively lost the idea that there is more to space than just its points.

I personally prefer to blame the trouble on the notion of space, rather than the axiom of choice. As far as possible, geometric problems should be the business of geometry, not logic or set theory. Mathematicians are used to operating with various kinds of spaces (in geometry, in analysis, in topology, in algebraic geometry, in computation, etc.) and so it seems only natural that one should worry about using the correct notion of space first, and about underlying foundational principles later. Good math is immune to changes in foundations.