[Math] Area of a Convex Polygon (Described via Half-Planes)

computational geometry

The intersection of a collection of half-planes describes a convex polygon, whose vertices can be constructed in $O(n \log n)$ time using a divide-and-conquer approach (e.g., intersect each half-plane with a bounding box and recursively merge the resulting polygons pairwise).

Suppose, however, that I'm interested only in the area of this polygon. Are there known algorithms for computing the area that are either 1. asymptotically faster (I'm doubtful) or 2. simpler (I'm hopeful) than those used to explicitly construct the vertices? Also of interest are algorithms that are 3. more stable in finite-precision.


Best Answer

[Let me put this in a separate answer, despite Gerhard's kind invitation :-), as I would like to de-emphasize seeking efficiencies.]

It might not be worth using a divide-and-conquer scheme, which could lead to implementation complexities. My inclination, as I mentioned in a comment, is to just incrementally clip: at any point, intersect the polygon for the first $k$ halfplanes with the $(k+1)$-st halfplane. Even if you have $n=10^9$ halfplanes, it is likely the intersection will grow as $\log n$, which is the growth-rate of the convex hull of points drawn from a uniform distribution (an old result of Dwyer). So you would still get $O(n \log n)$ performance with a naive worstcase $O(n^2)$ algorithm.

If you still want efficiencies:

  • Maintain a bounding box for each intermediate convex polygon for quick rejection of superfluous clips.

  • Use an efficient data structure to store the intermediate convex polygons so that the cutting can be achieved by binary search.

  • Choose carefully among the highly optimized line-clipping algorithms developed by the graphics community over the years.

  • Finally, "arrange the cuts so that the pieces obtained have very few sides" (to quote Gerhard); but I don't see how to do that in a way that might not cost more than the savings.