Non-Homotopy Equivalent Spaces with Equal Homotopy Groups – Algebraic Topology


Could someone show an example of two spaces $X$ and $Y$ which are not of the same homotopy type, but nevertheless $\pi_q(X)=\pi_q(Y)$ for every $q$? Is there an example in the CW complex or smooth category?

Best Answer

There are such spaces, for example $X = S^2 \times \mathbb{R}P^3$, $Y = S^3 \times \mathbb{R}P^2.$ (These are both smooth and CW-complexes.)

Whitehead's Theorem says that for CW-complexes, if a map $f : X \to Y$ induces an isomorphism on all homotopy groups then it is a homotopy equivalence. But, as the example above shows, you need the map. Such a map is called a weak homotopy equivalence.

(Whitehead's Theorem is not true for spaces wilder than CW-complexes. The Warsaw circle has all of its homotopy groups trivial but the unique map to a point is not a homotopy equivalence.)