[Math] Are there proofs of Rice Theorem without using the undecidability of some problem


Most proofs of Rice theorem seem to be based on the undecidability of
the halting problem. They are "reduction-based".

Are there "direct" elementary proofs, perhaps based on diagonalization?

I think that the answer is "YES there are".

However most textbooks I know (such as [Odifreddi, Moret, Jones, Phillips] present reduction-based proofs.

Best Answer

Here is a proof based on the recursion theorem, rather than a reduction of an undecidable problem.

Rice's Theorem. Suppose that $P$ is any set of computable functions, which is not empty and not all computable functions. Then the set $\{ e\mid \varphi_e\in P\}$ is not decidable, where $\varphi_e$ is the function computed by program $e$.

In other words, there is no general procedure to determine from a program whether the function it computes has property $P$ or not.

Proof. Suppose that the set were decidable. Fix a computable function $f$ that is in $P$, and another computable function $g$ that is not in $P$. Now, for any program $e$, let $h(e)$ be the program that on input $n$ first determines whether $\varphi_e\in P$; if so, it outputs $g(n)$, and otherwise $f(n)$. So $\varphi_{h(e)}$ is either $g$ or $f$, depending on whether $\varphi_e\in P$ or not, respectively (but note that we are using the opposite function). In particular, we'll have $$\varphi_e\in P\quad\iff\quad\varphi_{h(e)}\notin P.$$ Meanwhile, by the recursion theorem, there is a program $e$ such that $\varphi_e=\varphi_{h(e)}$, which now gives an immediate contradiction, since $\varphi_e$ and $\varphi_{h(e)}$ are supposed to be opposite with respect to $P$. QED