[Math] Are there “motivic” proofs of Weil conjectures in special cases


This is a question meant as a first step to get into reading more on Weil conjectures and standard conjectures. It is known that the standard conjectures on vanishing of cycles would imply the Weil conjectures. So, are there proofs of Weil conjectures in special cases using partial results on the standard conjectures? If so, which cases, and what are the references?

Background: Borcherds mentions here that Manin proved a few special cases in higher dimensions using motives.

Best Answer

Weil's proofs for curves and abelian varieties essentially use special cases of the standard conjectures, and the framework of the standard conjectures (like many other conjectures of a motivic nature) is suggested by trying to generalize the abelian variety case (or if you like, the case of H^1) to general varieties (or if you like, to cohomology in higher degrees).

Deligne's proof for K3 surfaces uses a motivic relation between K3s and abelian varieties (which is most easily seen on the level of Hodge structures) to import the result for abelian varieties into the context of K3 surfaces. This is not so different in spirit to Manin's proof for unirational 3-folds, except that the relationship between the K3 and associated abelian variety (the so-called Kuga-Satake variety) is not quite as transparent.

[Added, in light of the comments by Donu Arapura and Tony Scholl below:] In the K3 example, it would be better to write "a conjectural motivic relation ... (which can be observed rigorously on the level of Hodge structures) ...".