[Math] Are there ‘cohomology’ functors that respect all Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms except homotopy invariance


What goes wrong in the axiomatic definition of a generalized (co)homology theory if one drops the axiom of homotopy invariance i.e. that homotopic maps should induce the same map in (co)homology?

Or do we have examples? Are there "interesting" or "useful" functors $\mathfrak{h}^{\cdot}:\mathrm{Spaces}\to \mathrm{Ab}$ that respect all Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms except homotopy invariance? Could such an $\mathfrak{h}$ be used to distinguish between two homotopy equivalent non-homeomorphic spaces?

(Take your favourite definition of admissible spaces)

Best Answer

ordinary differential cohomology roughly speaking satisfies the demands of the question

the homotopy axiom fails and is replaced by a variation statement

it is a functor defined for smooth manifolds and smooth maps

the suspension isomorphism is only true in a weaker version

and there are [single space] axioms

Simons& Sullivan first issue of topology

finally it is quite geometric and useful in differential geometry & quantum field theory

it extends to the generalized cohomology context essentially by dropping the homotopy axioms thus it pervades a natural class of examples to the spirit of the question this question is not obviously a good one, but it is and I salute the questioner.