[Math] Are there categories whose internal hom is somewhat ‘exotic’


The internal hom (or exponential object) is basically a reification of the 'external' hom. It can be defined in any cartesian (or even monoidal, more on this later) category as the right adjoint of the (monoidal) product.

My question is: are there some categories whose internal hom behaves quite unexpectedly? Or even some interesting examples where internalization really deforms the external hom in a non-trivial way.

The question arises from the observaton that the 'external' hom can be assumed to be a set (assume the category to be locally small, or wave your hand hard enough), and thus is already somewhat reified. We expect some 'structure' on it, namely elements and perhaps even subobjects. In a sufficiently rich category (say a topos), this structure is internalizable as well. So it might be the case that some exotic behavior emerge, or some collapse happens.

I expect this to happen mainly for non-Cartesian monoidal closed category, because the monoidal product can be quite convoluted.

On the other hand, Section 3 of the internal hom page of the nLab seems to prove the internal hom shares some strong properties of the 'external' hom, which might hint to the fact they are really 'the same'.

Best Answer

Typically, internal homs of $\newcommand{\C}{\textbf{C}}\C$ will look different from external homs just when “elements/points of $X$” (for objects $X \in \C$) are different from “maps $I \to X$” (where $I$ is the monoidal unit); or slightly more precisely, when $\C$ comes with a canonical forgetful functor $\newcommand{\Set}{\textbf{Set}} U : \C \to \Set$, which is different from the representable $\C(I,-)$.

This is because (as noted in Jakob Werner’s answer) maps $I \to [X,Y]$ correspond to (external) maps $X \to Y$, and so if we want “points of the internal hom” to be different from external arrows, that implies that “points of the internal hom” must be different from “maps from $I$ to the internal hom”.

This idea suggests several examples:

  • $G\text{-}\Set$, for a group $G$ (as in Jakob’s answer). Here the monoidal unit is the terminal object $1$, and maps $1 \to X$ correspond not to arbitrary points of $X$ but just to fixpoints of the $G$-action. So the external maps $X \to Y$ (i.e. $G$-equivariant maps) correspond to fixpoints in the $G$-set $[X,Y]$; arbitrary points of $[X,Y]$ correspond to not-necessarily-equivariant functions $X \to Y$.

  • The category of graded Abelian groups $\newcommand{\Ab}{\mathrm{Ab}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \Ab^\Z$, with the graded tensor product $(X \otimes Y)_n = \coprod_{i+j=n} X_i \otimes Y_j$. (Or graded modules over a ring, or $\mathbf{N}$-graded, etc.) In this case, the monoidal unit is $\Z$ in degree 0 and trivial in other degrees, and maps $I \to X$ correspond to elements of $X_0$. So external maps $X \to Y$ correspond to elements of $[X,Y]_0$, and elements of $[X,Y]$ in other degrees correspond to degree-shifting maps between $X$ and $Y$.

  • Categories of chain complexes, $\newcommand{\Ch}{\mathrm{Ch}}\Ch(\Ab)$. Mostly as in the previous case, but now maps $I \to X$ correspond just to cycles in $X_0$, so external maps $X \to Y$ correspond to degree-0 cycles in $[X,Y]$, while arbitrary elements of $[X,Y]_n$ correspond to maps $X \to Y$ shifting degree by $n$ and not necessarily respecting the boundary operator.

Even if these are not as exotic as you were hoping for, hopefully the general principle “look for categories where maps out of the monoidal unit don’t correspond to ‘elements/points’ of objects” may help find more exotic examples.

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