Model Theory – Real-Closed Fields of Given Cardinality


Let $\kappa$ be an infinite cardinal. Then there exists at least one real-closed field of cardinality $\kappa$ (e.g. Lowenheim-Skolem; or, start with a function field over $\mathbb{Q}$ in $\kappa$ indeterminates, choose an ordering and a real-closure).

But I think there are many more, namely $2^{\kappa}$ pairwise nonisomorphic real-closed fields of cardinality $\kappa$. This is equal to the number of binary operations on a set of infinite cardinality $\kappa$, so is the largest conceivable number.

As for motivation — what can I tell you, mathematical curiosity is a powerful thing. One application of this which I find interesting is that there would then be $2^{2^{\aleph_0}}$ conjugacy classes of order $2$ subgroups of the automorphism group of the field $\mathbb{C}$.

Addendum: Bonus points (so to speak) if you can give a general model-theoretic criterion for a theory to have the largest possible number of models which yields this result as a special case.

Best Answer

Hi Pete!

There's been a lot of study of this and similar problems. I believe that Shelah's theorem, from his 1971 paper "The number of non-isomorphic models of an unstable first-order theory" (Israel J. of Math) answers your question about real closed fields in the positive.

The best big result on such questions that I know of is in the 2000 Annals paper "The uncountable spectra of countable theories." by Hart, Hrushovski, Laskowski.

To answer the question on real closed fields specifically (and somewhat cautiously since I'm not a model-theorist):

The theory of real closed fields is a complete first order theory, with countable language. It is an unstable (an easy fact, I think, and explained better on wikipedia than I could explain) theory as well. Hence Shelah's result applies, and the bound $2^\kappa$ is realized as you surmised.

Bonus points should go to Shelah (and perhaps also to Hart, Hrushovski, Laskowski, whose paper mentions the result of Shelah and proves other things) for proving that this bound is realized (for uncountable cardinals), except for theories $T$ which have all of the following properties:

  1. $T$ has infinite models.
  2. $T$ is superstable.
  3. $T$ has prime models over pairs.
  4. $T$ does not have the dimensional order property.

I have no clue what the fourth property means. But there are plenty of non-superstable theories to which Shelah's theorem applies, and hence which realize your bound (for uncountable cardinals).

For countable cardinality, I think there are still some open problems about how many non-isomorphic models there can be of a given theory, with cardinality $\aleph_0$.

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