[Math] Are there applications of category theory to countable sets


I was discussing this with a friend with a deep interest in category theory and homological methods and he said he was pursuing applications of said material in number theory.

I found this rather puzzling since by definition, all possible structures on the set of natural numbers (and any structures constructed from them,such as k-dimensional lattices in n-dimensional Euclidean spaces where k is less then or equal to n) are at most countable.

Would diagram chasing and functorial constructions really give any added information that an ordinary set theoretic construction-using ZFC theory and the usual functions and relations as ordered pairs-give?Have there been uses of category theory in number theory which has lead to deep results that otherwise wouldn't be obvious?

Best Answer

Etale cohomology, whose definition and study would be inconceivable without the use of categorical methods, underlies the construction of many interesting Galois representations as well as the entire context for Deligne's work on the Riemann Hypothesis for varieties over finite fields and its various generalizations, and work of Taylor et al. on Sato-Tate.

The concept of moduli schemes and the study of their non-trivial properties (and reasons for their existence) would likewise be impossible without the systematic use of categorical reasoning, and these underlie Faltings' work on the Mordell conjecture, the work of Drinfeld/Lafforgue on global Langlands correspondence for function fields, the work of Wiles et al. on modularity of Galois representations, the work of Mazur/Merel on torsion in elliptic curves over number fields, the use of Heegner points by Gross-Zagier...and the role of Galois cohomology in all of these matters (informed through homological reasoning) is utterly pervasive.

There's so much more which could be said, but I think the above is quite sufficient to make it clear that categorical and homological methods are ubiquitous throughout the deepest parts of modern algebraic number theory.