[Math] Are there any good websites for hosting discussions of mathematical papers


I was wondering if there are any websites out there which

  • systematically provide space for the discussion of mathematics articles (particularly those on the arXiv, though not necessarily just those), and
  • have a large enough user base to have some hope of having a good discussion (or at least have hope of attracting one in the near future).

Of course, MO is not so far from such a site, but is organized around questions, not papers, which leads to rather different discussion in practice. Similarly, some blog posts and nLab pages serve this purpose, but are not created systematically.

Best Answer

Time to mention the Selected Papers Network: https://selectedpapers.net


I hope that Tim does not mind me editing this to add extra links:

Introductory discussion by John Baez: http://johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/the-selected-papers-network-part-2/

Introductory discussion by Tim Gowers: http://gowers.wordpress.com/2013/06/16/the-selected-papers-network/#more-4954